The symposium is a chance for faculty to meet new robotics students on campus, as well as a chance to get a better idea of what IRIM colleagues are up to these days. The goal of the symposium is to spark new ideas, new collaborations, and even new friends!

Event Agenda Overview

9:00am  | Registration
9:15 | Introductory Remarks - Gary McMurray 

9:30 | Speaker Session 1 

  • Sehoon Ha, "Motion-based Control of Quadrupedal and Bipedal Robots"
  • Danfei Xu, "Robot Learning from Humans: Scaling up and Niching Down"
  • Animesh Garg
  • Zsolt Kira, "Vision-Language-Action Models for Generalizable Robotics"
  • Evagelos Theodorou

10:45am | Break 

11:00am | Speaker Session 2

  • Stephen Balakirsky
  • Harish Ravichandar, "Frugal Robot Learning"
  • Ye Zhao, "Enhancing Agility, Safety, and Social Intelligence in Legged Navigation"
  • Tony Chen, "Mechanical Intelligent Design for Manipulation and Environment Interaction"
  • Aaron Young, "Data-driven Deep Learning of Human Biology Enables Personalized Generalization of Control for Wearable Robotics"

12:15pm - 1:15pm | Lunch (Lunch reserved for registered attendees)

1:15pm | Speaker Session 3

  • Jun Ueda, "Automated Magnetic Resonance Elastography Quality Assessment incorporating Mechanical Failure Detection for Liver Stiffness Evaluation"
  • Jaydev Desai, "Medical Robotics Research at the RoboMed Lab"
  • Yue Chen, "Bio-inspired Continuum Robots"
  • Aaron Abramson, "Tissue Interfacing Robotic Therapeutics for Drug Delivery and Biosensing"
  • Ai-Ping Hu, "Robotic Phenotyping for Small-Scale Urban Farms"
  • Jonathan Rogers, "Control and Estimation Algorithms for Challenging Small UAS Missions"

2:45pm | Break

3:00pm | Speaker Session 4

  • Anirban Mazumdar, "Enhancing Robot Mobility Using Physical Partnership"
  • Matthew Gombolay, "Assistive Robots Learning from Human Interaction: Lessons from Working with Older Adults"
  • Panos Tsiotris, "Research Adventures at the Intersection of Control and Robotics"
  • Samuel Coogan, "Safety for Learning-Enabled Autonomous Systems"
  • Shreyas Kousik, "Pushing Towards Formal Safety for Tricky Dynamics"
  • Matthew Hale, "Multi-Agent Systems: The Roles of Information, Optimality, and Dynamics"


 Register Here!