Tech AI, the AI Hub at Georgia Tech 

At Tech AI, we use cutting-edge research to create transformative, real-world solutions that have a positive effect on our world. From shaping the conversation about AI on a national and global scale to using our expertise in engineering, science, and education to create paradigm-shifting solutions, to developing the AI workforce of the future, we are at the forefront of driving meaningful change.

Tech AI stylized image with blue background

Tech AI focuses on solutions. We are a world-class resource guiding corporations, decision-makers, and innovators through the complexities of commercializing and deploying AI.

Georgia Tech has 250 Artificial Intelligence Researchers
AI Research at Georgia Tech 500 plus students


AI in Everyday Life: “This is truly the definition of disruptive”

In this episode of Tech Takes, host Breon Martin talks with Georgia Tech faculty member Sonia Chernova who directs the Robot Autonomy and Interactive Learning Lab and also AI-CARING, a national AI institute headquartered at Georgia Tech.

The two discuss the transformational power of AI, the risks and ethical issues behind it, and how this disruptive tool could even make us happier and healthier. 


Clark Atlanta University (CAU), in collaboration with Georgia Tech’s NSF Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institute for Advances in Optimization (AI4OPT), has been awarded…

This partnership in the advancement of AI and mathematical optimization to address pressing energy transformations in Latin America and the U.S. has formed between the NSF…

Hepatic, or liver, disease affects more than 100 million people in the U.S. About 4.5 million adults (1.8%) have been diagnosed with liver disease, but it is estimated that…

A new machine learning (ML) model created at Georgia Tech is helping neuroscientists better understand communications between brain regions. Insights from the model could lead…

New research from Georgia Tech is giving scientists more control options over generative artificial intelligence (AI) models in their studies. Greater customization from this…

From weather prediction to drug discovery, math powers the models used in computer simulations. To help these vital tools with their calculations, global experts recently met…


IRIM hosts each year a symposium to feature presentations from faculty and presentations of research from the Georgia Tech Research Institute.
Guanya Shi | The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University
Featuring Sam Burden | University of Washington, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Featuring Negar Mehr | U.C. Berkely, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Featuring Helen Huang | NC State University, Director of the Closed-Loop Engineering for Advanced Rehabilitation (CLEAR) Core
Featuring Katia Sycara | The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University