Turn to Georgia Tech for your artificial intelligence professional education and workforce development needs. We offer a range of programs designed to support lifelong learning. Whether through undergraduate, graduate, or specialized certification courses, Georgia Tech delivers a comprehensive education that prepares students for success in both academic and professional AI-driven careers.

Georgia Tech AI Ranking

Leadership in AI is driven by Georgia Tech's innovative programs and groundbreaking research across Computing, Engineering, Technology Management, Cybersecurity, and Technology Policy.

Public Professional Education Courses

Georgia Tech offers courses in various modalities, covering a wide range of topics and providing professional credentials. Group discounts vary.

Customized Professional Education Programs

Georgia Tech provides customized programming for public, private, and government entities around the world.

K12 Education and Educator Programs

Georgia Tech offers youth and educator programs aimed at introducing AI early, addressing opportunity gaps in underserved communities.

Degree Granting Programs

Georgia Tech offers top-tier degree programs that prepare graduates to lead in AI development and application.

Expanded Learning Opportunities

Georgia Tech's AI Professionals share expertise and insights through podcasts, webinars, and other media, keeping audiences informed on the latest AI developments.

Learn how Tech AI can support your organization's needs. Contact us today by clicking here.