Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Bio: Helen’s research interest lies in science and technology that can establish and enhance a symbiotic relationship between humans and wearable assistive machines (such as robotic prostheses and exoskeletons) in order to improve mobility and quality of life of individuals with disabilities. Her research goal is to create breakthroughs in human-machine symbiotic (HMS) systems that empower disabled people to lead more active and productive lives.

Dr. Huang is also the Director of the Closed-Loop Engineering for Advanced Rehabilitation (CLEAR) core and the co-director of NIDILRR funded Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center, called Assisting Stroke Survivors with Engineering Technology (ASSET). Dr. Huang is a current Editorial Board Member for IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, and the Wearable Technologies, and a guest Editor for the IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering.