Ellen Yi  Chen Mazumdar
Sensing Technologies Laboratory Website

Dr. Mazumdar started at the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech in January of 2019 and currently has a courtesy appointment with the Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering. She graduated with her Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and completed a postdoctoral appointment at Sandia National Laboratories in the Diagnostic Science and Engineering group. Her research interests include the design of new diagnostic techniques and sensor systems for studying combustion, multiphase flows, hypersonic flows, and energetic materials. Her group utilizes new composite sensing materials, optical diagnostics, magnetostatics, and system identification methods to study these complex physical phenomena.

Assistant Professor; School of Mechanical Engineering
Director; The Sensing Technologies Lab
Love 229
Additional Research
new sensor systems diagnostic techniques; robotic; biomedical; hypersonics