Diego Cifuentes

Diego Cifuentes
ISyE Profile Page

Diego Cifuentes is an Assistant Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. His research centers around the development of mathematical optimization methods, and the application of these methods in engineering areas such as machine learning, statistics, robotics, power systems, and computer vision. He also works in the theoretical analysis of optimization methods, leveraging geometric and combinatorial information to improve efficiency and robustness. Prior to joining ISyE, he served as an applied math instructor in MIT and as a postdoctoral researcher in the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences.

He earned his Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, and his B.S. in Mathematics and B.S. in Electronics Engineering from Universidad de los Andes.

Assistant Professor
Groseclose 326
Additional Research
Mathematical optimization methodsStatisticsComputer vision
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Danfei Xu

Danfei Xu
College of Computing Profile

Dr. Danfei Xu is an Assistant Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. Dr. Xu received a B.S. in Computer Science from Columbia University in 2015 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University in 2021. His research goal is to enable physical autonomy in everyday human environments with minimum expert intervention. Towards this goal, his work draws equally from Robotics, Machine Learning, and Computer Vision, including topics such as imitation & reinforcement learning, representation learning, manipulation, and human-robot interaction. His current research focuses on visuomotor skill learning, structured world models for long-horizon planning, and data-driven approaches to human-robot collaboration.

Assistant Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Additional Research
Artificial Intelligence Computer Vision
Research Focus Areas
IRI And Role
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Stuart Michelson

Stuart Michelson
Georgia Tech Research Institute

Stuart Michelson is a member of the research faculty at the Georgia Tech Research Institute and is known as a subject matter expert in Human Systems Engineering. He leads Human Factors and Ergonomics and Human Systems Integration (HSI) efforts for DoD customers specializing in tactical display design spanning command and control, training, unmanned vehicle ground control stations, Manned-unmanned teaming, and mission planning. He has expertise in digital human modeling/ergonomic/anthropometric analyses to assess cockpit accommodation and experience with wearable soldier systems and tactical equipment design.

Since 2000, Michelson has organized the American venue and annual Symposium on Dynamic Flight Behavior for Aerial Robotics for the International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC), the longest running collegiate aerial challenge in the world focused on advancing the state of the art in aerial robotic behavior.

Michelson has held an Associate Human Factors Professional status from the Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics, is recognized as a graphic design professional by the International Academy of Computer Training, and is certified to conduct ethical Human Subjects Research.

Michelson has supported and led numerous programs within the Georgia Tech Research Institute leveraging his knowledge of soldier loadout and autonomous unmanned systems. Notably, he has designed graphical user interfaces, developed human-centered system requirements, led programs to quantify human performance, assessed anthropometric accommodations, and supported system test and evaluation for DoD stakeholders spanning the United States Navy, Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps.

Additional Research
Human Machine Teaming in Complex Environments Fully Autonomous Machines Command and Control Design of Complex Systems Human Systems Integration
Geogia Tech Research Institute > Electronic Systems Laboratory
LinkedIn Electronic Systems Laboratory

Jun Ueda, Ph.D.

Jun Ueda, Ph.D.

Jun Ueda received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Kyoto University, Japan, in 1994, 1996, and 2002 all in Mechanical Engineering. From 1996 to 2000, he was a Research Engineer at the Advanced Technology Research and Development Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan. He was an Assistant Professor of Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, from 2002 to 2008. During 2005-2008, he was a visiting scholar and lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He joined the G. W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor in 2008 where he is currently a Professor. He received Fanuc FA Robot Foundation Best Paper Award in 2005, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Early Academic Career Award in 2009, Advanced Robotics Best Paper Award in 2015, and Nagamori Award in 2021. 

Love 219

Irfan Essa

Irfan Essa

Irfan Essa is a Professor in the School of Interactive Computing and Senior Associate Dean in the College of Computing (CoC), at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Professor Essa works in the areas of Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, Computer Graphics, and Social Computing, with potential impact on Content Creation, Analysis and Production (e.g., Computational Photography & Video, Image-based Modeling and Rendering, etc.) Human Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Behavioral/Social Sciences, and Computational Journalism research.He has published over 150 scholarly articles in leading journals and conference venues on these topics and several of his papers have also won best paper awards. He has been awarded the National Science Foundation CAREER Award and was elected an IEEE Fellow. He has held extended research consulting positions with Disney Research and Google Research and also was an Adjunct Faculty Member at Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Institute. He joined Georgia Tech in 1996 after his earning his Master's (1990), Ph.D. (1994), and holding a research faculty position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab (1988-1996).

Senior Associate Dean; College of Computing
Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Additional Research
Healthcare Security; Machine Learning; Mobile & Wireless Communications; Computer Vision and Robotics; Computer Graphics and Animation; Computational Photography and Video; Intelligent and Aware Environments; Digital Special Effects; Computational Journalism; Social Computing
Research Focus Areas

Omer Inan

Omer Inan

Omer T. Inan received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 2004, 2005, and 2009, respectively.

He worked at ALZA Corporation in 2006 in the Drug Device Research and Development Group. From 2007-2013, he was chief engineer at Countryman Associates, Inc., designing and developing several high-end professional audio products. From 2009-2013, he was a visiting scholar in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Stanford. In 2013, he joined the School of ECE at Georgia Tech as an assistant professor.

Inan is generally interested in designing clinically relevant medical devices and systems, and translating them from the lab to patient care applications. One strong focus of his research is in developing new technologies for monitoring chronic diseases at home, such as heart failure.

He and his wife were both varsity athletes at Stanford, competing in the discus and javelin throw events respectively.

Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Linda J. and Mark C. Smith Chair, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
TSRB 417
Additional Research
Medical devices for clinically-relevant applicationsNon-invasive physiological monitoringHome monitoring of chronic diseaseCardiomechanical signalsMedical instrumentation
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Azadeh Ansari

Azadeh Ansari
Personal Research Website

Azadeh Ansari received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Iran in 2010. She earned the M.S and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2013 and 2016 respectively, focusing upon III-V piezoelectric semiconductor materials and MEMS devices and microsystems for RF applications. Prior to joining the ECE faculty at Georgia Tech, she was a postdoctoral scholar in the Physics Department at Caltech from 2016 to 2017. Ansari is the recipient of a 2017 ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award from the University of Michigan for her research on "Gallium Nitride integrated microsystems for RF applications." She received the University of Michigan Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for outstanding Ph.D. research in 2016. She is a member of IEEE, IEEE Sensor's young professional committee and serves as a technical program committee member of IEEE IFCS 2018.

Sutterfield Family Early Career Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Assistant Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
TSRB 544
Additional Research
Sensors and actuatorsMEMS and NEMSIII-V Semiconductor devices
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