Yue Chen

Yue Chen
BioMedical Mechatronics (BM2) Lab

Yue Chen is an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory. He received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Vanderbilt University, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a B.S. in Vehicle Engineering from Hunan University. His research focused on designing, modeling, and control of continuum robots and apply them in medicine.

Assistant Professor; Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech & Emory
University, College, and School/Department
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Eva Dyer

Eva Dyer

Dyer’s research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, optimization, and neuroscience. Her lab develops computational methods for discovering principles that govern the organization and structure of the brain, as well as methods for integrating multi-modal datasets to reveal the link between neural structure and function.

Assistant Professor
UAW 3108
Additional Research
Eva Dyer’s research combines machine learning and neuroscience to understand the brain, its function, and how neural circuits are shaped by disease. Her lab, the Neural Data Science (NerDS) Lab, develops new tools and frameworks for interpreting complex neuroscience datasets and building machine intelligence architectures inspired by the brain. Through a synergistic combination of methods and insights from both fields, Dr. Dyer aims to advance the understanding of neural computation and develop new abstractions of biological organization and function that can be used to create more flexible AI systems.
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Chethan Pandarinath

Chethan Pandarinath

Our work centers on understanding how the brain represents information and intention, and using this knowledge to develop high-performance, robust, and practical assistive devices for people with disabilities and neurological disorders. We take a dynamical systems approach to characterizing the activity of large populations of neurons, combined with rigorous systems engineering (signal processing, machine learning, and real-time systems) to advance the performance of brain-machine interfaces and neuromodulatory devices.

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Emory WMRB 6001
Additional Research
Our work centers on understanding how the brain represents information and intention, and using this knowledge to develop high-performance, robust, and practical assistive devices for people with disabilities and neurological disorders. We take a dynamical systems approach to characterizing the activity of large populations of neurons, combined with rigorous systems engineering (signal processing, machine learning, control theory, real-time system design) to advance the performance of brain-machine interfaces and neuromodulatory devices.
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Christopher J. Saldaña

Christopher J. Saldaña

Dr. Christopher Saldaña began working at Georgia Tech in 2014. Prior, Dr. Saldaña previously held the Harold and Inge Marcus Career Professorship at the Pennsylvania State University and worked as a research engineer at M4 Sciences Corporation. Dr. Saldaña has also previously held visiting affiliations/positions with the US Air Force Research Laboratory, the Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore, India), Technische Universität Dortmund (Dortmund, Germany), Autodesk, and Sandia National Laboratories. He has received several awards, including an NSF CAREER award, the Robert J. Hocken SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer award and an R&D100 Technology Award. He serves as an Associate Editor for IISE Transactions (Design and Manufacturing) and serves on the Editorial Boards of Manufacturing Letters, Computer Aided Design and Applications, and the ASTM Journal of Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing.

Ring Family Professor
Associate Professor
GTMI, Room 259
Additional Research
Additive/Advanced Manufacturing; Composites; Bio-Inspired Materials; Computer-Aided Engineering; Advanced Characterization
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George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering

Nick Sahinidis

Nick Sahinidis

Nick Sahinidis is the Butler Family Chair and Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering and the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Tech. His current research activities are at the interface between computer science and operations research, with applications in various engineering and scientific areas, including: global optimization of mixed-integer nonlinear programs: theory, algorithms, and software; informatics problems in chemistry and biology; process and energy systems engineering. Sahinidis has served on the editorial boards of many leading journals and in various positions within AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers). He has also served on numerous positions within INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences), including Chair of the INFORMS Optimization Society. He received an NSF CAREER award, the INFORMS Computing Society Prize, the MOS Beale-Orchard-Hays Prize, the Computing in Chemical Engineering Award, the Constantin Carathéodory Prize, and the National Award and Gold Medal from the Hellenic Operational Research Society. Sahinidis is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of AIChE and INFORMS.

Gary C. Butler Family Chair
(404) 894-3036
Research Focus Areas

Gregory Sawicki

Gregory Sawicki
PoWeR Lab

Dr. Gregory S. Sawicki is an Associate Professor at Georgia Tech with appointments in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering and the School of Biological Sciences. He holds a B.S. from Cornell University ('99) and a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from University of California-Davis ('01). Dr. Sawicki completed his Ph.D. in Human Neuromechanics at the University of Michigan, Ann-Arbor ('07) and was an NIH-funded Post-Doctoral Fellow in Integrative Biology at Brown University ('07-'09). Dr. Sawicki was a faculty member in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at NC State and UNC Chapel Hill from 2009-2017. In summer of 2017, he joined the faculty at Georgia Tech with appointments in Mechanical Engineering 3/4 and Biological Sciences 1/4.

Associate Professor; School of Mechanical Engineering & School of Biological Sciences
Director; PoWeR Lab
GTMI 411
Additional Research
wearable robotics; exoskeletons; locomotion; biomechanics; muscle mechanics
Research Focus Areas
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Britney Schmidt

Britney Schmidt
The Planetary Habitability and Technology Lab at Cornell University

My primary interest is floating ice systems - Jupiter's moon Europa and Earth's ice shelves. I am interested in how these environments work and how they may become habitable. I have chosen to focus on Europa because of its potential to have what other places may not have: a stable source of energy from tides that can power geological cycles over the lifetime of the solar system. At its most basic form, life is like a battery, depending upon redox reactions to move electrons. A planetary proxy for this is activity, whereby a planet recycles through geologic processes, and maintains chemical gradients of which life can take advantage. Without recycling, it is possible that even once habitable environments can become inhospitable. This is where terrestrial process analogs come into the picture - by studying how ice and water interact in environments on Earth we can better understand the surface indications of such on Europa (and other icy worlds). My work provides a framework by which to remotely understand planetary cryospheres and test hypotheses, until such time as subsurface characterization becomes possible by radar sounding, landed seismology, or one day, roving submersibles. Much work remains to correlate observations and models of terrestrial icy environments - excellent process analogs for the icy satellites - with planetary observations. I think about how to incorporate melting, hydrofracture, hydraulic flow, and now brine infiltration as process analogs into constructing models for the formation of Europa's geologic terrain and to study the implications for ice shell recycling and ice-ocean interactions. The inclusion of realistic analogs in our backyard-Earth's poles -using imaging and geophysical techniques is a common thread of this work, giving tangible ways to generate and test hypotheses relevant to environments on Earth and Europa. In the long term, I envision constructing systems-science level models of the Europan environment to understand its habitability and enable future exploration. I'm lucky to work with a talented group of students, post docs, and collaborators who share this vision and continue to make my life's passion, understanding the worlds around us, tenable.

Associate Professor; School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University
ES&T 2236
Additional Research
Planetary Science; Astrobiology; Cryosphere
Research Focus Areas
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Turgay Ayer

Turgay Ayer
ISyE Profile

Turgay Ayer is the Virginia C. and Joseph C. Mello Chair and a professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. Ayer also serves as the research director for healthcare analytics and business intelligence in the Center for Health & Humanitarian Systems at Georgia Tech and holds a courtesy appointment at Emory Medical School.

His research focuses on healthcare analytics and socially responsible business analytics with a particular emphasis on practice-focused research. His research papers have been published in top tier management, engineering, and medical journals, and covered by popular media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, U.S. News, and NPR.

Ayer has received over $2.5 million grant funding and several awards for his work, including an NSF CAREER Award (2015), first place in MSOM Responsible Research in Operations Management (2019), first place in the MSOM Best Practice-Based Research Competition (2017), INFORMS Franz Edelman Laureate Award (2017), and Society for Medical Decision Making Lee Lusted Award (2009).

Ayer serves an associate editor for Operations Research, Management Science, and MSOM, and is a past president of the INFORMS Health Application Society. He received a B.S. in industrial engineering from Sabanci University in Istanbul, Turkey, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Virginia C. and Joseph C. Mello Chair
Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Research Director of Business Intelligence and Healthcare Analytics, Center for Health and Humanitarian Systems
Additional Research
Socially Responsible Operations; Practice-focused Research; Healthcare Analytics
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Christopher Rozell

Christopher Rozell
Professor; School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director; Sensory Information Processing Lab
Centergy One 5218
Additional Research
Biological and computational vision Theoretical and computational neuroscience High-dimensional data analysis Distributed computing in novel architectures Applications in imaging, remote sensing, and biotechnology Dr. Rozell's research interests focus on the intersection of computational neuroscience and signal processing. One branch of this work aims to understand how neural systems organize and process sensory information, drawing on modern engineering ideas to develop improved data analysis tools and theoretical models. The other branch of this work uses recent insight into neural information processing to develop new and efficient approaches to difficult data analysis tasks.
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Aaron Young

Aaron Young
Exoskeleton and Prosthetic Intelligent Controls (EPIC) Lab

Aaron Young is an Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering and is interested in designing and improving powered orthotic and prosthetic control systems for persons with stroke, neurological injury or amputation. His previous experience includes a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan in the Human Neuromechanics Lab working with exoskeletons and powered orthoses to augment human performance. He has also worked on the control of upper and lower limb prostheses at the Center for Bionic Medicine (CBM) at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. His master's work at CBM focused on the use of pattern recognition systems using myoelectric (EMG) signals to control upper limb prostheses. His dissertation work at CBM focused on sensory fusion of mechanical and EMG signals to enable an intent recognition system for powered lower limb prostheses for use by persons with a transfemoral amputation.

Associate Professor, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Director, EPIC Lab
GTMI 433
Additional Research
Powered prosthesis; EMG signal processing. Young's research is focused on developing control systems to improve prosthetic and orthotic systems. His research is aimed at developing clinically translatable research that can be deployed on research and commercial systems in the near future. Some of the interesting research questions are how to successfully extract user intent from human subjects and how to use these signals to allow for accurate intent identification. Once the user intent is identified, smart control systems are needed to maximally enable individuals to accomplish useful tasks. For lower limb devices, these tasks might include standing from a seated position, walking, or climbing a stair. We hope to improve clinically relevant measures with powered mechatronic devices, including reducing metabolic cost, improving biomechanics and decreasing the time required to perform daily tasks of living.
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