Eva Dyer

Eva Dyer

Dyer’s research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, optimization, and neuroscience. Her lab develops computational methods for discovering principles that govern the organization and structure of the brain, as well as methods for integrating multi-modal datasets to reveal the link between neural structure and function.

Assistant Professor
UAW 3108
Additional Research
Eva Dyer’s research combines machine learning and neuroscience to understand the brain, its function, and how neural circuits are shaped by disease. Her lab, the Neural Data Science (NerDS) Lab, develops new tools and frameworks for interpreting complex neuroscience datasets and building machine intelligence architectures inspired by the brain. Through a synergistic combination of methods and insights from both fields, Dr. Dyer aims to advance the understanding of neural computation and develop new abstractions of biological organization and function that can be used to create more flexible AI systems.
Research Focus Areas
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Thomas Conte

Thomas Conte

Tom Conte holds a joint appointment in the Schools of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is the founding director of the Center for Research into Novel Computing Hierarchies (CRNCH). His research is in the areas of computer architecture and compiler optimization, with emphasis on manycore architectures, microprocessor architectures, back-end compiler code generation, architectural performance evaluation and embedded computer system architectures.

(404) 385-7657
Klaus 2334
Additional Research
Computer Architecture; Compiler Optimization
CRNCH Lab Page

Pascal Van Hentenryck

Pascal Van Hentenryck
Profile Page

Pascal Van Hentenryck is an A. Russell Chandler III Chair and Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. Prior to this appointment, he was a professor of Computer Science at Brown University for about 20 years, he led the optimization research group (about 70 people) at National ICT Australia (NICTA) (until its merger with CSIRO), and was the Seth Bonder Collegiate Professor of Engineering at the University of Michigan. Van Hentenryck is also an Honorary Professor at the Australian National University.

Van Hentenryck is a Fellow of AAAI (the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) and INFORMS (the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science). He has been awarded two honorary doctoral degrees from the University of Louvain and the university of Nantes, the IFORS Distinguished Lecturer Award, the Philip J. Bray Award for teaching excellence in the physical sciences at Brown University, the ACP Award for Research Excellence in Constraint Programming, the ICS INFORMS Prize for Research Excellence at the Intersection of Computer Science and Operations Research, and an NSF National Young Investigator Award. He received a Test of Time Award (20 years) from the Association of Logic Programming and numerous best paper awards, including at IJCAI and AAAI. Van Hentenryck has given plenary/semi-plenary talks at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (twice), the International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, the SIAM Optimization Conference, the Annual INFORMS Conference, NIPS, and many other conferences. Van Hentenryck is program co-chair of the AAAI’19 conference, a premier conference in Artificial Intelligence.

Van Hentenryck’s research focuses in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Operations Research. His current focus is to develop methodologies, algorithms, and systems for addressing challenging problems in mobility, energy systems, resilience, and privacy. In the past, his research focused on optimization and the design and implementation of innovative optimization systems, including the CHIP programming system (a Cosytec product), the foundation of all modern constraint programming systems and the optimization programming language OPL (now an IBM Product). Van Hentenryck has also worked on computational biology, numerical analysis, and programming languages, publishing in premier journals in these areas.

Van Hentenryck runs the Seth Bonder summer Camp in Computational and Data Science for middle- and high-school students every summer. 

A. Russell Chandler III Chair
Director, AI Hub
Director, AI Institute for Advances in Optimization
(404) 385-5538
Additional Research
Electric Vehicles

Zsolt Kira

Zsolt Kira
Robotics Perception & Learning Lab

I am an Assistant Professor at the School of Interactive Computing in the College of Computing. I am also affiliated with the Georgia Tech Research Institute and serve as an Associate Director of ML@GT which is the machine learning center recently created at Georgia Tech. Previously I was a Research Scientist at SRI International Sarnoff in Princeton, and before that received my Ph.D. in 2010 with Professor Ron Arkin as my advisor. I lead the RobotIcs Perception and Learning (RIPL) lab. My areas of research specifically focus on the intersection of learning methods for sensor processing and robotics, developing novel machine learning algorithms and formulations towards solving some of the more difficult perception problems in these areas. I am especially interested in moving beyond supervised learning (un/semi/self-supervised and continual/lifelong learning) as well as distributed perception (multi-modal fusion, learning to incorporate information across a group of robots, etc.).

Assistant Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Research Faculty; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Associate Director; Machine Learning @ GT
Director; RobotIcs Perception and Learning (RIPL) Lab
CODA room S1181B
Additional Research
Machine Learning; Perception; Robotics; Artificial Intelligence
Research Focus Areas
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Ashok Goel

Ashok Goel
Design & Intelligence Laboratory

Ashok Goel is a Professor of Computer Science in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA. He obtained his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. At Georgia Tech, he is also the Director of the Ph.D. Program in Human-Centered Computing, a Co-Director of the Center for Biologically Inspired Design, and a Fellow of Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems. For more than thirty years, Ashok has conducted research into artificial intelligence, cognitive science and human-centered computing, with a focus on computational design, modeling and creativity. His recent work has explored design thinking, analogical thinking and systems thinking in biological inspired design (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiRDQ4hr9i8), and his research is now developing virtual research assistants for modeling biological systems. Ashok teaches a popular course on knowledge-based AI as part of Georgia Tech's program on Online Masters of Science in Computer Science. He has pioneered the development of virtual teaching assistants, such as Jill Watson, for answering questions in online discussion forums (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbCguICyfTA). Chronicle of Higher Education recently called virtual assistants exemplified by Jill Watson as one of the most transformative educational technologies in the digital era. Ashok is the Editor-in-Chief of AAAI's AI Magazine.

Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Director| Ph.D. program in Human-Centered Computing; College of Computing
Co-Director; Center for Biologically Inspired Design
Fellow; Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems
Additional Research
Artificial Intelligence; Cognitive Science; Computational Design; Computational Creativity; Educational Technology; Design Science; Learning Science and Technology; Human-Centered Computing
Google Scholar

Alex Endert

Alex Endert

Alex Endert is an Associate Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. He directs the Visual Analytics Lab, where he works with his students to design and study how interactive visual tools help people make sense of data and AI. His lab often tests these advances in domains, including intelligence analysis, cyber security, decision-making, manufacturing safety, and others. His lab receives generous support from sponsors, including NSF, DOD, DHS, DARPA, DOE, and industry. In 2018, he received a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation for his work on visual analytics by demonstration. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Virginia Tech in 2012. In 2013, his work on Semantic Interaction was awarded the IEEE VGTC VPG Pioneers Group Doctoral Dissertation Award, and the Virginia Tech Computer Science Best Dissertation Award.

Assistant Professor
Additional Research
Visual Analytics
University, College, and School/Department

Munmun De Choudhury

Munmun De Choudhury

Munmun De Choudhury is currently an associate professor at the School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech. Munmun’s research interests are in computational social science, with a focus on reasoning about personal and societal well-being from social digital footprints.

Assistant Professor
Additional Research
Social Media; Social Computing; Computational Social Science; Mental Health; Natural Language
University, College, and School/Department

Ada Gavrilovska

Ada Gavrilovska

Ada Gavrilovska is an Associate Professor at the College of Computing and a researcher with the Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS) at Georgia Tech. Her interests include experimental systems, focusing on operating systems, virtualization, and systems software for heterogeneous many-core platforms, emerging non-volatile memories, large scale datacenter and cloud systems, high-performance communication technologies and support for novel end-user devices and services. Her research is supported by the National Science Foundation, the US Department of Energy, and industry grants, including from Cisco, HP, IBM, Intel, Intercontinental Exchange, LexisNexis, VMware, and others. She has published numerous book chapters, journal and conference publications, and edited a book “High Performance Communications: A Vertical Approach” (CRC Press, 2009). In addition to research, she also teaches courses on operating systems and high performance communications. She has a Bachelor's  in Computer Engineering from University Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Macedonia ('98), and a Master's ('99) and Ph.D. ('04) degrees in Computer Science from Georgia Tech.

Senior Research Scientist
Additional Research
Cloud Security; Large-Scale or Distributed Systems; Cloud Systems; Virtualizations; Operating Systems
Research Focus Areas

Irfan Essa

Irfan Essa

Irfan Essa is a Professor in the School of Interactive Computing and Senior Associate Dean in the College of Computing (CoC), at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Professor Essa works in the areas of Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, Computer Graphics, and Social Computing, with potential impact on Content Creation, Analysis and Production (e.g., Computational Photography & Video, Image-based Modeling and Rendering, etc.) Human Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Behavioral/Social Sciences, and Computational Journalism research.He has published over 150 scholarly articles in leading journals and conference venues on these topics and several of his papers have also won best paper awards. He has been awarded the National Science Foundation CAREER Award and was elected an IEEE Fellow. He has held extended research consulting positions with Disney Research and Google Research and also was an Adjunct Faculty Member at Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Institute. He joined Georgia Tech in 1996 after his earning his Master's (1990), Ph.D. (1994), and holding a research faculty position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab (1988-1996).

Senior Associate Dean; College of Computing
Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Additional Research
Healthcare Security; Machine Learning; Mobile & Wireless Communications; Computer Vision and Robotics; Computer Graphics and Animation; Computational Photography and Video; Intelligent and Aware Environments; Digital Special Effects; Computational Journalism; Social Computing
Research Focus Areas

Tushar Krishna

Tushar Krishna
ECE Profile Page

Tushar Krishna is an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech. He also holds the ON Semiconductor Junior Professorship. He has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT (2014), a M.S.E in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University (2009), and a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi (2007). Before joining Georgia Tech in 2015, Krishna spent a year as a researcher at the VSSAD group at Intel, Massachusetts.

Krishna’s research spans computer architecture, interconnection networks, networks-on-chip (NoC) and deep learning accelerators – with a focus on optimizing data movement in modern computing systems. Three of his papers have been selected for IEEE Micro’s Top Picks from Computer Architecture, one more received an honorable mention, and three have won best paper awards. He received the National Science Foundation (NSF) CRII award in 2018, a Google Faculty Award in 2019, and a Facebook Faculty Award in 2019 and 2020.

ON Semiconductor Junior Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Klaus 2318
Additional Research
Networks-on-Chip (NoC)Interconnection NetworksReconfigurable Computing and FPGAsHeterogeneous ArchitecturesDeep Learning Accelerators
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