Aaron Drysdale

Aaron Drysdale

Aaron Drysdale, a Master of Computer Science graduate from Georgia Tech, is the Chief Technologist at the Cloud Hub. He manages the proposal process for research grants, organizes industry training sessions, and provides direct technical support to research teams utilizing cloud resources. Aaron's role also involves collaborating with Microsoft’s technical teams to resolve complex issues, ensuring seamless and efficient research progress. His expertise and proactive approach are vital to the success of the Cloud Hub's mission to advance innovative research.

Chief Technologist - CloudHub @ GT
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Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Dr. Emily D. Sanders is an Assistant Professor in the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech. She obtained her Ph.D. at Georgia Tech in 2021, where she developed new topology optimization methods for design of tension-only cable nets, elastostatic cloaking devices, and multiscale structures and components. Dr. Sanders hold a bachelor’s degree from Bucknell University and a master’s degree from Stanford University.

Assistant Professor

Yue Chen

Yue Chen
BioMedical Mechatronics (BM2) Lab

Yue Chen is an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory. He received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Vanderbilt University, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a B.S. in Vehicle Engineering from Hunan University. His research focused on designing, modeling, and control of continuum robots and apply them in medicine.

Assistant Professor; Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech & Emory
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Google Scholar
BME Profile Page

Richard Catrambone

Richard Catrambone

Dr. Catrambone's research interests include: 

  • Creating examples to help learners form meaningful and generalizable solution procedures. I and the students in my lab have explored this issue in domains ranging from probability and physics to ballet. 
  • The use of task analysis techniques for identifying what a person needs to learn in order to solve problems or carry out procedures in some domain. 
  • Using information from task analyses to guide the construction of teaching and training materials including computer-based (multimedia) instructional environments. 
  • Exploring technology such as animations and embodied conversational agents (ECAs) for improving interfaces and helping people learn and carry out tasks more easily. 
  • Analogical Reasoning
Additional Research
Instructional Design; Human-Computer Interaction; Educational Technology; Multi-Media Learning Environments; Training; Problem Solving
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Munmun De Choudhury

Munmun De Choudhury

Munmun De Choudhury is currently an associate professor at the School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech. Munmun’s research interests are in computational social science, with a focus on reasoning about personal and societal well-being from social digital footprints.

Assistant Professor
Additional Research
Social Media; Social Computing; Computational Social Science; Mental Health; Natural Language
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Paul Manuel Aviles Baker

Paul Manuel Aviles Baker

Paul M.A. Baker, Ph.D., is the Senior Director, Research and Strategic Innovation at the Center for Advanced Communications Policy (CACP), and Chief Operating Officer, Center for the Development and Application of Internet of Things Technologies (CDAIT). He is also a Principal Research Scientist with the School of Public Policy. Previously he was the Associate Director of the Center for 21st Century Universities (C21U). Aside from exploring the diffusion innovation and policy in IoT, recent research projects include innovation driven workforce development, mapping the role of intermediaries in innovation networks, usability of voting technologies, implementation of accessible technologies. His work in policy studies include barriers to the adoption of wireless technologies by people with disabilities, teleworking and people with disabilities; social media innovation, online collaboration and virtual communities. He is also involved in international policy research and collaborative policy networks, especially as it relates to issues of technology and usability policy, workforce development and innovation diffusion. 

Baker holds a Ph.D. in Public Policy from George Mason University, a Master’s degree in Theological Studies from Emory University, M.P. in Urban Planning from the University of Virginia, and an M.A. in International Commerce and Policy from George Mason University. He has served on a variety of national boards and panels, and as a grant proposal reviewer for U.S. Department of Education, the Academy of Finland, the Israel Science Foundation, and the NTIA, US Department of Commerce. He serves also on editorial boards and as a reviewer for 15 journals. His co-edited (with Jarice Hanson and Jeremy Hunsinger) volume, “The Unconnected: Social Justice, Participation, and Engagement in the Information Society” was published in 2013.

COO, Center for the Development and Application of Internet of Things Technologies (CDAIT)
Additional Research
Information Technology; Public Policy; Workforce Development; Disability Policy
IRI And Role
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Shihao Yang

Shihao Yang

Dr. Shihao Yang is an assistant professor in the School of Industrial & Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he was a post-doc in Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School after finishing his PhD in statistics from Harvard University. Dr. Yang’s research focuses on data science for healthcare and physics, with special interest in electronic health records causal inference and dynamic system inverse problems.

Assistant Professor
Additional Research
Data Mining
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