Helen Xu

Helen Xu
CoC Profile Page

Helen Xu comes to Georgia Tech from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where she was the 2022 Grace Hopper Postdoctoral Scholar. She completed her Ph.D. at MIT in 2022 with Professor Charles E. Leiserson. Her main research interests are in parallel and cache-friendly algorithms and data structures. Her work has previously been supported by a National Physical Sciences Consortium fellowship and a Chateaubriand fellowship. She has interned at Microsoft Research, NVIDIA Research, and Sandia National Laboratories. 

Assistant Professor
Additional Research
Parallel ComputingCache-Efficient AlgorithmsPerformance Engineering
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Giri Krishnan


Dr Krishnan is research professor in the Georgia Tech’s Interdisciplinary Research Institute, Institute for Data Engineering and Science, School of Computational Science and Engineering, College of Computing. He is an associate director of the Center for AI in Science and Engineering. His current interest is in developing AI methods for computational science problems across many domains. He is a computational neuroscientist by training, with past work spanning across a wide range of computational modeling and AI methods. His group's current focus is on generative methods for computational workflow, neural approaches for accelerating compute intensive problems and applying interpretable methods to scientific AI for advancing scientific understanding.

Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he was research scientist at UC San Diego and his research involved developing large-scale modeling of the brain to study sleep, memory and learning. In addition, he has contributed towards neuro-inspired AI and neuro-symbolic approaches. He is broadly interested in the emergence of intelligent behavior from neural computations in the brain and AI systems. 

Dr Krishnan has more than 50 publications and his research has been supported by multiple grants from NIH and NSF. He is passionate about open-science and reproducible science and strongly believes that progress in science requires reproducibility.

Associate Director, Center for Artificial Intelligence in Science and Engineering (ARTISAN)
Principal Research Scientist
CODA Building
Additional Research
AI : Deep learning, Neuro-symbolic ApproachesGeosciences.Molecular DynamicsNeuroscience : Theoretical and computational modeling
Research Focus Areas
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Bo Dai

Bo Dai
Personal Website

Bo Dai is a tenure-track assistant professor at Georgia Tech's School of Computational Science and Engineering. Prior to joining academia, he worked as a Staff Research Scientist at Google Brain. Bo Dai completed his Ph.D. in the School of Computational Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech, where he worked from 2013 to 2018 with Professor Le Song. His research focuses on developing principled and practical machine learning techniques for real-world applications. Bo Dai has received numerous awards for his work, including the best paper award at AISTATS 2016. He regularly serves as a (senior) area chair at major AI/ML conferences, such as ICML, NeurIPS, AISTATS, and ICLR.

Assistant Professor
CODA E1342A, 756 W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308
Additional Research
Reinforcement Learning Data-Driven Decision Making Embodied AI
Research Focus Areas
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Nisha Chandramoorthy

Nisha Chandramoorthy
Personal Website

Nisha Chandramoorthy is an assistant professor in the School of Computational Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech. Her research involves mathematical analyses and development of rigorous computational methods for better understanding and engineering nonlinear, possibly chaotic, dynamical systems. Some themes from her research are statistical response to perturbations, probability measure transport and high-dimensional Bayesian inference, and generalization of learning algorithms. These are motivated by fundamental scientific questions about nonlinearity as well as computational problems surrounding nonlinear systems. Both aims feed each other to improve our collective understanding of complex nonlinear processes, including in systems biology, climate studies and machine learning.

Prior to joining Georgia Tech, Nisha was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Data, Systems and Society at MIT. She received her Ph.D. and master’s degrees from MIT in 2021 and 2016 respectively, and her bachelor’s degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, in 2014.

Assistant Professor
Rm:S1323, 756 W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308
Additional Research
Dynamical systems and ergodic theoryComputational statisticsComputational dynamics
Research Focus Areas
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Nabil Imam

Nabil Imam
Personal Website

Nabil Imam works on topics in machine learning and theoretical neuroscience with the goal of understanding general principles of neural coding and computation, and their technological applications.

Prof. Imam joined Georgia Tech faculty in January 2022.

Assistant Professor
Additional Research
Computational Neuroscience Neural Coding and Computation
Research Focus Areas
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Suresh Marru

Suresh Marru
Personal Website

Suresh Marru is a research professor dedicated to advancing science and engineering through AI and cyberinfrastructure. Over the past two decades, he has focused on accelerating and democratizing computational science. His work includes the development of science gateways and the pioneering of the Apache Airavata distributed systems framework.

In his current role as the Director of Georgia Tech's ARTISAN Center, his team is at the forefront of pioneering efforts to integrate AI into diverse scientific domains. His group is dedicated to bridging the gap between theory, experimentation, and computation by fostering open-source integration frameworks. These frameworks automate research processes, optimize complex models, and integrate disparate scientific data with simulation engines.

Collaboration is at the heart of Suresh’s ethos. He has had the privilege of working alongside brilliant scientists and technologists, contributing to groundbreaking research in domains such as geosciences, neuroscience, and molecular dynamics. These collaborations have not only accelerated scientific discovery but have also offered valuable insights into the potential of AI in scientific innovation.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Suresh is deeply passionate about open science and open-source software. He also believes in building synergies between academia and industry. He has played an instrumental role in a series of tech startups. Currently, he serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Folia, a company dedicated to unleashing the power of annotations.

Director, Georgia Tech Center for Artificial Intelligence in Science and Engineering (ARTISAN)
Research Professor, Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS)
CODA 12th Floor | #1217
Additional Research
Atmospheric SciencesComputer ModelingCyberinfrastructureData Fusion and IntegrationOpen Science Integration FrameworksScience Gateway Frameworks
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Anqi Wu

Anqi Wu
Anqi Wu Research

Anqi Wu is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Georgia Institute of Technology. She was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Columbia University. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computational and Quantitative Neuroscience and a graduate certificate in Statistics and Machine Learning from Princeton University. Anqi was selected for the 2018 MIT Rising Star in EECS, 2022 DARPA Riser, and 2023 Alfred P. Sloan Fellow. Her research interest is to develop scientifically-motivated Bayesian statistical models to characterize structure in neural data and behavior data in the interdisciplinary field of machine learning and computational neuroscience. She has a general interest in building data-driven models to promote both animal and human studies in the system and cognitive neuroscience.

Assistant Professor
Research Focus Areas
BRAin INtelligence and Machine Learning (BRAINML) Laboratory

Peng Chen

Peng Chen
Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) and Uncertainty Quantification (UQ)

Dr. Chen is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computational Science and Engineering. Previously he was a Research Scientist at the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Chen’s research is in the multidisciplinary fields of computational mathematics, data science, scientific machine learning, and parallel computing with various applications in materials, energy, health, and natural hazard. Specifically, his research focuses on developing fast, scalable, and parallel computational methods for integrating data and models under high-dimensional uncertainty to make (1) statistical model learning via Bayesian inference, (2) reliable system prediction with uncertainty quantification, (3) efficient data acquisition through optimal experimental design, and (4) robust control and design by stochastic optimization.

Assistant Professor
CODA | E1350B
Additional Research
Bayesian InferenceInfectious DiseasesOptimal Experimental DesignPlasma FusionStochastic OptimizationUncertainty Quantification
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Victor Fung

Victor Fung
Fung Group

Victor Fung is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computational Science and Engineering. Prior to this position, he was a Wigner Fellow and a member of the Nanomaterials Theory Insitute in the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A physical chemist by training, Fung now works at the intersection of scientific artificial intelligence, computing, and materials science/chemistry.

Assistant Professor of Computational Science and Engineering
E1354B | CODA Building, 756 W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308
Additional Research
Quantum chemistrySurrogate models for quantum chemistryData-driven inverse designChemically-informed machine learningHigh-throughput computational simulations
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Xiuwei Zhang

 Xiuwei Zhang

Xiuwei Zhang is an Assistant Professor and J. Z. Liang Early Career Assistant Professor in the School of Computational Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research group works on applying machine learning and optimization skills in method development and data analysis for single-cell RNA-Seq data and other types of data on single cell level. The goal is to study cellular mechanisms during differentiation, development of cells and disease progression. 

Zhang was a postdoc researcher in Prof. Nir Yosef‘s group at UC Berkeley. She obtained a Ph.D. in computer science under the supervision of Prof. Bernard Moret in the Laboratory for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland. 

Before moving to the United States, she was a postdoc researcher in Dr. Sarah Teichmann’s group at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK. Zhang was supported by a Fellowship for Prospective Researchers and an Advanced Postdoc Mobility Fellowship from Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) from Aug. 2012 to Jul. 2015. She was a research fellow in the 2016 Simons Institute program on Algorithmic Challenges in Genomics. Her Erdös number is 3.

Assistant Professor
Research Focus Areas