Nagi Gebraeel

Nagi Gebraeel

Professor Nagi Gebraeel is the Georgia Power Early Career Professor and Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. He received his MS and PhD from Purdue University in 1998 and 2003, respectively.

Dr. Gebraeel's research interests lie at the intersection of Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning in IoT enabled maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) and service logistics. His key focus is on developing fundamental statistical learning algorithms specifically tailored for real-time equipment diagnostics and prognostics, and optimization models for subsequent operational and logistical decision-making in IoT ecosystems. Dr. Gebraeel also develops cyber-security algorithms intended to protect IoT-enabled critical assets from ICS-type cyberattacks (cyberattacks that target Industrial Control Systems). From the standpoint of application domains, Dr. Gebraeel has general interests in manufacturing, power generation, and service-type industries. Applications in Deep Space missions are a recent addition to his research interests, specifically, developing Self-Aware Deep Space Habitats through NASA's HOME Space Technology Research Institute.

Dr. Gebraeel leads Predictive Analytics and Intelligent Systems (PAIS) research group at Georgia Tech's Supply Chain and Logistics Institute. He also directs activities and testing at the Analytics and Prognostics Systems laboratory at Georgia Tech's Manufacturing Institute. Formerly, Dr. Gebraeel served as an associate director at Georgia Tech's Strategic Energy Institute (from 2014 until 2019) where he was responsible for identifying and promoting research initiatives and thought-leadership at the intersection of Data Science and Energy applications. He was also the former president of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Quality and Reliability Engineering Division, and is currently a member of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), and IISE (since 2005).

Georgia Power Associate Professor
Groseclose Building, Room 327
Additional Research
Data Mining; Sensor-based prognostics and degradation modeling; reliability engineering; maintenance operations and logistics; System Design & Optimization; Utilities; Cyber/ Information Technology; Oil/Gas
Research Focus Areas

Barry Drake

Barry Drake
Mr. Drake is a senior research faculty member at GTRI in the Information and Communications Laboratory (ICL) and in the School of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), College of Computing at Georgia Tech. At GTRI/ICL Mr. Drake is in the Innovative Computing Division where he serves as Technical Lead for the Algorithms and Analytics Branch. His interests include adaptive algorithms, learning machines, numerical linear algebra, and applying these technologies to solve real-world problems. Mr. Drake has been awarded patents and published numerous papers in the areas of optical computers, adaptive algorithms for signal processing, and adaptive machine learning methods. More recently, he has been performing research in the areas of Raman spectroscopy and text analytics, such as topic modeling, using matrix low-rank approxIMaTion methods. He is a member of the Georgia Tech/GTRI DARPA funded XDATA research team. Mr. Drake also served as cofounder of three startup companies and held positions at large Fortune 500 companies. He began his career as a mathematician at a federal laboratory, the Naval Ocean Systems Center (NOSC), San Diego, CA. Mr. Drake holds two Bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics and Forest Biology, a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics all from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, and attended Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, on a graduate fellowship from NOSC.
Senior Research Scientist
Additional Research
Algorithms; Communication Systems; Defense / National Security
Geogia Tech Research Institute > Information and Communications Laboratory

Carl DiSalvo

Carl DiSalvo

Carl DiSalvo is an Associate Professor in the Digital Media Program in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at the Georgia Institute of Technology. At Georgia Tech he directs the Public Design Workshop: a design research studio that explores socially engaged design and civic media. 

DiSalvo is also co-director of the Digital Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts Center and its Digital Civics initiative, funded by the Mellon Foundation, and he leads the Serve-Learn-Sustain Fellows program, which brings together faculty, staff, students, and community partners to explore pressing social research themes (the 2016-2017 themes are Smart Cities and Food, Energy, Water, Systems). He has a courtesy appointment in the School of Interactive Computing and is an affiliate of the GVU Center and the Center for Urban Innovation.  DiSalvo also coordinates the Digital Media track of the interdisciplinary M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction. 

DiSalvo’s scholarship draws together theories and methods from design research and design studies, the social sciences, and the humanities, to analyze the social and political qualities of design, and to prototype experimental systems and services. Current research domains include civics, smart cities, the Internet of Things, food systems, and environmental monitoring. Across these domains, DiSalvo is interested in how practices of participatory and public design work to articulate issues and provide resources for new forms of collective action.  

Areas of Expertise:

  • Civic Media
  • Design
  • Design Studies
  • Digital Civics
  • Food Systems
  • Public And Civic IoT
  • Smart Cities
Associate Professor, School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Director, Public Design Workshop
TSRB 328
Additional Research
Design; Sustainability and Design; Design and the Humanities; New Media Art/Art and Technology; Public Enagagement with Technology; Participatory Media/Participatory Culture; Design and Culture/Society
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Public Design Workshop

Chaitanya Deo

Chaitanya Deo

Dr. Deo came to Georgia Tech in August 2007 as an Assistant Professor of Nuclear and Radiological Engineering. Prior, he was a postdoctoral research associate in the Materials Science and Technology Division of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He studied radiation effects in structural materials (iron and ferritic steels) and nuclear fuels (uranium dioxide). He also obtained research experience at Princeton University (Mechanical Engineering), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories.

(404) 385.4928
Additional Research
Nuclear; Thermal Systems; Materials In Extreme Environments; computational mechanics; Materials Failure and Reliability; Ferroelectronic Materials; Materials Data Sciences

Mark Borodovsky

Mark Borodovsky

Dr. Borodovsky and his group develop machine learning algorithms for computational analysis of biological sequences: DNA, RNA and proteins. Our primary focus is on prediction of protein-coding genes and regulatory sites in genomic DNA. Probabilistic models play an important role in the algorithm framework, given the probabilistic nature of biological sequence evolution.

Regents' Professor
Director, Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics
Senior Advisor in Bioinformatics, Division of High Consequence Pathogens and Pathology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta
EBB 2105
Additional Research
Development and applicaton of new machine learning and pattern recognition methods in bioinformatics and biological systems. Development and applicaton of new machine learning and pattern recognition methods in bioinformatics and biological systems. Chromatin; Epigenetics; Bioinformatics
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Dhruv Batra

Dhruv Batra

Dhruv Batra is an Associate Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. His research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and AI, with a focus on developing intelligent systems that are able to concisely summarize their beliefs about the world with diverse predictions, integrate information and beliefs across different sub-components or `modules' of AI (vision, language, reasoning, dialog), and interpretable AI systems that provide explanations and justifications for why they believe what they believe. In past, he has also worked on topics such as interactive co-segmentation of large image collections, human body pose estIMaTion, action recognition, depth estIMaTion, and distributed optimization for inference and learning in probabilistic graphical models. He is a recipient of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Program (YIP) award (2016), the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award (2014), Army Research Office (ARO) Young Investigator Program (YIP) award (2014), Virginia Tech College of Engineering Outstanding New Assistant Professor award (2015), two Google Faculty Research Awards (2013, 2015), Amazon Academic Research award (2016), Carnegie Mellon Dean's Fellowship (2007), and several best paper awards (EMNLP 2017, ICML workshop on Visualization for Deep Learning 2016, ICCV workshop Object Understanding for Interaction 2016) and teaching commendations at Virginia Tech. His research is supported by NSF, ARO, ARL, ONR, DARPA, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and NVIDIA. Research from his lab has been extensively covered in the media (with varying levels of accuracy) at CNN, BBC, CNBC, Bloomberg Business, The Boston Globe, MIT Technology Review, Newsweek, The Verge, New Scientist, and NPR. From 2013-2016, he was an Assistant Professor in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, where he led the VT Machine Learning & Perception group and was a member of the Virginia Center for Autonomous Systems (VaCAS) and the VT Discovery Analytics Center (DAC). From 2010-2012, he was a Research Assistant Professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC), a philanthropically endowed academic computer science institute located on the University of Chicago campus. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Carnegie Mellon University in 2007 and 2010 respectively, advised by Tsuhan Chen. In past, he has held visiting positions at the Machine Learning Department at CMU, CSAIL MIT, Microsoft Research, and Facebook AI Research.

Associate Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Additional Research
Machine Learning; Computer Vision; Artificial Intelligence
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Personal Research Website

Ghassan AlRegib

Ghassan AlRegib

Professor AlRegib is currently a professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is the director of the Multimedia and Sensors Lab (MSL) at Georgia Tech. In 2012, he was named the director of Georgia Tech’s Center for Energy and Geo Processing (CeGP). He is a faculty member of the Center for Signal and Information Processing (CSIP). He also serves as the director of Georgia Tech’s initiatives and programs in MENA. He has authored and co-authored more than 170 articles in international journals and conference proceedings. He has been issued several U.S. patents and invention disclosures. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

Professor AlRegib received the ECE Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award in 2001 and both the CSIP Research and the CSIP Service Awards in 2003. In 2008, he received the ECE Outstanding Junior Faculty Member Award. In 2017, he received the 2017 Denning Faculty Award for Global Engagement.

Professor AlRegib has participated in many service activities. He is an area chair for ICME 2016/17 and the tutorial chair for ICIP 2016. He is a voted member of the IEEE SPS Technical Committees on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) and Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IVMSP). He was a member of the editorial board of the Wireless Networks Journal (WiNET), 2009-2016 and the IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT), 2014-2016. Currently, he is a member of the the editorial board of the Elsevier journal Signal Processing: Image Communications, 2015-present. He served as the chair of the Special Sessions Program at ICIP’06; the area editor for Columns and Forums in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM), 2009–12; the associate editor for IEEE SPM, 2007-09; the tutorials co-chair in ICIP’09; a guest editor for IEEE J-STSP, 2012; a track chair in ICME’11; the co-chair of the IEEE MMTC Interest Group on 3D Rendering, Processing, and Communications, 2010-12; the chair of the Speech and Video Processing Track at Asilomar 2012; and the technical program co-chair of IEEE GlobalSIP, 2014. He is leading a team that is organizing the IEEE VIP Cup, 2017.

His research group, which consists of more than 20 students and researchers, is working on projects related to machine learning, image and video processing, image and video understanding, seismic imaging, perception in visual data processing, healthcare intelligence, and video analytics.

Professor AlRegib has provided services and consultation to several firms, companies, and international educational and R&D organizations. He has been a expert witness in a number of patent infringement cases.

Center Director
Centergy-One Room 5224
Additional Research
Computational Ophthalmology, Machine Learning, Image/Video Processing, Computer Vision, Perception, Scene Understanding, Seismic Interpretation, Learning in the Wild, Learning for Autonomous Vehicles, Medical Image Analysis, Geosystems
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